Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Can Science and Religion Co-exist?

Is Anything that’s not Scientific filled by God?

Intelligent Design is not a new concept where we believe anything that ‘’cannot’’ be explained with the limited human knowledge should be filled by God, instead it is anything that can be explained by human knowledge combined with anything that cannot be explained with it. So the more we find new scientific data and facts, the better we understand ‘’how’’ God made it happen. Evolution was a new thing but people are starting to find a pattern with evolution and God because religion in reality has never dealt with explaining ‘’how’’ instead it deals with ‘’why’’ and these two can work hand in hand without contradiction, Anyhow due to the way evolution was promoted in the past targeting to solely disprove God there has been a cult of haters in both sides of religion and atheism who have failed to find a balance. Indeed you get the extremist who ‘’completely’’ deny such a science and then also you get the extremist who ‘’completely’’ deny God without any scientific backup.

Science is not required to prove Faith

If a religious person believes in God it has to do with ‘’faith’’ than science. So he/she does not require science to prove faith instead she/he can use science to increase faith through analyzing patterns of nature. A recent research has shown that people of faith find patterns in the surrounding better than people who don’t have faith,

‘’Several studies have revealed that people who practice meditation or have prayed for many years exhibit increased activity and have more brain tissue in their frontal lobes’’

This is not supposedly a bad thing because people who find something out of nothing have their right to fill their hypothesis with their own consciousness. Taking what is unknown and figuring it out does not have one ‘’correct’’ answer.

But Science is required to disprove God

But if a strict non believer had to disprove God, he/she has to use science to disprove God because non-believers of the supernatural should base life ‘’only’’ on scientific facts. Indeed it might sound funny to disprove faith through science. God might not belong in the science class room, but a believer of a God sure belongs in any class room. The least argument science can bring is it’s very ‘’unlikely’’ for God to exist but that will not disprove God to be false. Now let’s see if it’s worth to give up something that cannot be scientifically proven or disproven?

Religion Is Hope and Meaning to life

Certain qualitative questions of life do not get answers by science for me. When my nanny got depressed she tried anti-depressant medicine which was only chemically fixing her issue by hiding the actual cause of depression, when she later decided to try religion through the comfort it gives to the spirit by meditation and belief that her personality will continue for eternity she naturally cured her depression and has felt better about life. Such valuable spiritual benefits of religion are not worthy to be left out for something that is not proven to be false through science.

If you have heard about logo therapy, the human brain functions in a way where ‘’hope’’ and ‘’purpose of life’’ increases happiness and gives meaning to life. The spiritual concept of religion gives an eternal hope which can benefit if used in the right way. Science can be used for something disastrous as Hiroshima and also religion can be used for something evil as suicide bombing. But both of those can also be used for a good cause if done in the right way and direction.

Just to give an example of the power of ‘meaning to life’’ As Victor Frank states in ‘’Mans search for meaning’’
‘’Once, an elderly general practitioner consulted me because of his severe depression. He could not overcome the loss of his wife who had died two years before and whom he had loved above all else. Now, how could I help him? What should I tell him? Well, I refrained from telling him anything but instead confronted him with the question, "What would have happened, Doctor, if you had died first, and your wife would have had to survive you?" "Oh," he said, "for her this would have been terrible; how she would have suffered!" Whereupon I replied, "You see, Doctor, such a suffering has been spared her, and it was you who have spared her this suffering—to be sure, at the price that now you have to survive and mourn her." He said no word but shook my hand and calmly left my office. In some way, suffering ceases to be suffering at the moment it finds a meaning ‘’

When many prisoners were put in Nazi concentration camps, they all were facing a terrible virus spreading around. It was around November and people had a rumor of ‘’hope’’ that for Christmas they will be set free. Many people lived with the Virus infection fighting hard for life and none were reported dead. But suddenly when it was Christmas they got to know that freedom was just an illusion, and the people suddenly started to die of that same virus which they lived with for month’s right from the next day 26th December. Only a few that had longer hope or belief in God survived.

Such is the power of hope and meaning to life, this is something Science will never answer and never take away from our life.

As the author of ‘’Mans search for meaning’’ says
‘’The observations of this one case and the conclusion drawn from them are in accordance with something that was drawn to my attention by the chief doctor of our concentration camp. The death rate in the week between Christmas, 1944, and New Year's, 1945, increased in camp beyond all previous experience. In his opinion, the explanation for this increase did not lie in the harder working conditions or the deterioration of our food supplies or a change of weather or new epidemics. It was simply that the majority of the prisoners had lived in the naive hope that they would be home again by Christmas’’

Religion can make suffering and death meaningful

No we are not talking about extremist that use religion to hurt others, but there are millions of billions out there who can find happiness through religion even in the worse of condition.

A prisoner at the time of Nazi concentration camp said
‘’But in reality our sacrifice did have a meaning. Those of us who had any religious faith, I said frankly, could understand without difficulty. I told them of a comrade who on his arrival in camp had tried to make a pact with Heaven that his suffering and death should save the human being he loved from a painful end. For this man, suffering and death were meaningful; his was a sacrifice of the deepest significance. He did not want to die for nothing. None of us wanted that.’’

I will end it with a Quote by Martin Luther King jr

“Science investigates; religion interprets. Science gives man knowledge, which is power; religion gives man wisdom, which is control. Science deals mainly with facts; religion deals mainly with values. The two are not rivals.”


Frankl, Viktor E. Man's Search for Meaning. Boston: Beacon, 2006. Print.

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